Sunday, June 15, 2008

¡Feliz dìa de los Padres!

Hey dad, happy father´s day. Also, happy birthday...since I wasn´t able to call you that day either. I´m going to see if I can´t run into someone here with a phone, in which case I´ll call and say hi myself. Otherwise this will have to suffice. Having said that, on to another post...

I love this times. Today is one of those times. We attended a Catholic mass this morning, in one of the hottest days here we´ve had yet. Sort of a nice change except for the sweating. Yesterday we climbed the extinct vocano Santa Maria yesterday just in time to watch its living offshoot, Santiaguito, erupt in a plume of ash and smoke. Very cool.

The day is much cooler now that it´s afternoon. There´s a soccer field across the street from my host family, and as I stepped outside after lunch there was another game in progress (I´d seen one leaving for church as well). I stood a minute and watched, with high clouds and Santa Maria looming behind it all, through the same link-metal fence we use to line our baseball fields. There were paths worn in the grass surrounding the field and folks chatting, drinking Pepsi around the same ramshackle worn out type of consession stand we have at the softball field in Fairfax. In fact, construction-wise, it was very similar. The only difference was the sport and the language.

The following is a blog post I´d meant to upload much earlier, sobre el tiempo y el ambiente. It relates to a lot of things:
At 7:15 I have breakfast, usually scrambled eggs, refried black beans and tortillas; which are thicker than ours and smaller, always corn. I look out the patio outside my door to check the amount and color of the clouds, deciding between sunscreen or rain jacket, or both.
By 8 there´s still a bite in the air, but it´s losing ground quickly. Folks here wear sweaters most of the day here. Around this time I usually run into or find someone else in the group, it´s both exciting and calming to stroll around alone but the ritual of meeting friends has been nice as well.
Nine. What coolness there was is rapidly departing. By ten it´s either hot or raining.

If I get time before this cafè closes, I´ll post more about the homes and city.


Ona said...

Always good to hear from you. We have had a few beautiful days and the grass is tall, thick, and green.Can you remember summers when it rained?
The dam releases water periodically and below the dam is almost completely dry to completely covered with water all in one day depending on what the corps sees fit. We will thinking we will try to get the boat ready this coming weekend and do a trial run so it will be ready when you and Kirdy come home. Kirdy is planning on coming home the last weekend in June. Tomorrow I go back to school and will submit the Carl Perkins report along with the state report card for NCLB. Life goes on. Mom

Aunt Judy said...

Dear Erik, What a great idea this blog is. I will send it to your cousins. Since both Lindsey and Kelsey are studying Spanish I would think they would find this very interesting. What a wonderful opportunity this is for you. It sounds so great. We are very proud of your and of course, ENVIOUS!!! HA HA
Please take care of yourself and keep those blogs coming.
love ya
Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mom just told me about this website of yours...imagine that me, the baby of the family, is the last to know about something lol...well u been talking about your weather so i might as well say something about ours...we got about a half of inch of rain today and i wouldnt be surprised if we got more...the only bad thing about it is I mowed the bottom field yesterday and the field to the east of our house today and it got rained on (oops)...i cant believe im gonnna say this but i think scalp bay might overflow on the road soon...its getting pretty close and if we get more hard rain it actually might...i really doubt it will be as bad as it was in 94 or 95 but it would still be cool if a little water got on the road...for people that dont know what the heck im talking about its a big deal...well better get to bed...later