Monday, June 23, 2008

About to leave...

OK, so this weekend pretty much rocked. Antigua is a glorious little former capital, a collection of colonial era ruins, cobbled streets, near-tropical flora, and shops. Really, really cool. Also expensive and -filled- with gringos. Spanish is an option in this "latin american" city.

We climbed a(nother) volcano Sunday, called Pacaya. It had flowing lava at the top so we roasted marshmallows over the heat vents. Also my shoes melted a little bit. A friend lost his walking stick by poking it into a vent for a photo, meanwhile it caught fire so he had to throw it in. Oops.

As for bringing stuff back from Kuchub´al...I dunno. We visited them this morning but they weren´t open. That leaves tomorrow. I was planning on bringing back some organic coffee (it´s only $4 a pound!!!) and chocolate but I don´t know now whether I´ll be able.

Anyway, this could very well be the last post. We leave Xela Wednesday morning, spend a night in Guatemala City, and fly out in the morning. Should reach Minneapolis around 6 pm. Should. Whenever it is that I do arrive (in Dallas, not Minn), I will be calling the people I need to (that means you, mom) and catching up on the sound of everyone´s voice.

...El fin, pienso.

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