Thursday, June 12, 2008

¡Español! ¿Qué español?

Actually, my Spanish is improving--especially my level of comprehension. I can understand much more than I can return verbally. It works, I guess.

Later today (and some of this morning already) I´m working on my volunteer project. Having said that, I'm going to explain my "job." I work with la Red Kuchub'al, a local fair trade group here in Guatemala that markets the products (coffee, chocolate, scarves and cloth, jams and canned fruit) of rural, indiginous people here, 80 percent of these are women. Also, 90 percent of Kuchub'al's profits return to these mostly Mayan workers, or campesinos as they're called here.

My job here is very simple: talk to local restaurants, hotels, cafes--anyone--and ask if they'd be interested in some of these products. Kuchub'al sells in bulk, so restaurants could actually use some of it in their kitchens or else just set up a little table with the items. A bookstore, North and South, has this design. If they're not interested, we ask to hang a flyer and move on.

Also, soon I'm going to begin emailing organizations and churches in the US asking them to either post a link to Kuchub'al on their website, or better yet, to buy produce.

In about half an hour, another SDSU student and I are going to march down to the Parque Central and start pitching. I even got me a buttoned shirt for the occasion.

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