Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well... um, yeah

So we rolled into Xela around 5 pm after a 7 hr bus ride through some seriously formidable mountains. Good thing these guys don´t get any snow because wow. Just figured out during that sentence how to accent my letters (I´m typing on a keyboard de español, after all). Every one of these keyboards is a little different, but this place has nice computers (running Vista) and a decent price so I think I´ll try to frequent it.

It´s hard to remember all the things I wanted to say now, sitting at a computer. Feels farther away than the Xela just outside the door., school begins at 8 and runs til 1. My professor keeps calling me "sueño," which means sleepy. This is because I´m yawning all the time. I mean, it is several hours of Spanish, after all. Also, I took likely the hardest Spanish exam of my life this morning; it was a placement exam and whew, boy, did I ever bomb that thing.

This town, though, like Guatemala City before it, is gorgeous. It sits at around 12,000 feet, inside a huge volcanic crater something like 3,000 ft across. Like I said above, the roads leading up to Xela are a winding twisting beautiful mess. I think we took the Pan-American Highway, but I can't find out for sure -- but once you reach the summit, the road drops down as sharply as it twisted up and you find yourself looking at a huge sprawling plane ringed in gargantuan mountains with looming Santa María and smoking live Santiaguito to the south. (Sorry, I´ve been reading my travel guide a lot.)

Yeah, but all that happened two days ago. Feels like I´ve been here for a month or something - there´s just been so much around us. There´s the host family, the trips around town, and going out last night all to talk about. In the span of two days, it really does feel like a lot.

My family is good, mom - you´ll be glad to know that. There are two grandparents (los abuelos), a mother named María and her two children 4 yr old Luis and 8 yr old Deborah. All are pretty cool.

Anyway, I´m running real close to the 45 minute mark, after which I´ll have to pay another, oh, quetzal for the time. Which is something like 20 cents.


Ona said...

Good to hear from you again. sounds like you've got alot of Spanish to absorb. Your dad and Shane have gotten alot of fencing done in this wet weather. 2 more days. It's beautiful here today. Take care and lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Mountains sound cool-inside a crator awesome-i've called u sleepy for years. I'll send u 20 cents if run over. Can tell your into it-good !